What Van Kommer can do

Van Kommer Customs is the newest part of our company but the possibilities are immense. We can help you with aspects such as:

  • Import/re-import declaration in AGS (Dutch customs system)
  • Export/re-export declaration in AGS (Dutch customs system)
  • Declaration under permit (outward processing, inward processing, temporary import or export, etc.)
  • Documents of origin (EUR-1, certificates of origin)
  • Legalization of documents at the Chamber of Commerce
  • Requesting export certificates from the NVWA (Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority) or COKZ (Quality Management Body)
  • Advice and support with customs issues
  • Assistance when submitting requests and objections
  • Support for the entire import and export process (transport, trade restriction measures, etc.)

Information request? 

Send a message +31-(0)33-254 2525

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Send a message +31-(0)33-254 2550